Voice of salvation and Healing Church is governed by the council of elders at its very apex. This comprises of the Archbishop as the chairman. All the presiding Bishops, Secretary Generals and the National Treasurers of the different nations and the national women leaders.
All the members of the Council of elders are either appointed or elected into their respective offices. The National Executive Council administers, manages and directs spiritual, policy matters and even the socio economic issues of the Church on behalf of the N.C.E. They operate from the Mission headquarters office with a composition of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary General and National treasurer. This comes down to the National Council (N.C.M) popularly known as the Annual General Meeting which comprises NCE Members, Pastors oversees, Pastors and Regional women and Youth leaders, Evangelists, Assembly Secretaries and Treasurers and representatives of retirees. The next level is the regional office which is an equivalent of a Diocese headed by a regional chairman or Bishop. The next lower step of the sub-Region led by a sub-regional overseer. The next lower level is the Assembly of Churches led by a Senior Pastor.